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Diving in Filicudi

The Aeolian Islands, seven pearls of the volcanic origin, are situated in wonderful waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea, a few miles away from the Sicilian coast. The archipelago always attracted sailors and tourists all over the world, because of its unique landscapes, its historical evidence and its crystalline waters full of life, which seabed keep a tumultuous history made of eruptions, seaquakes, invasions and piracy. Despite the touristic vocation this destination developed in the last 50 years, these places, thanks to islanders’ love, maintained their pristine nature; they are an example and an evidence of a possible realization of a perfect coexistence between man and nature. The seabed is a wonderful view of particular colours: from the white of pumice to the black seabed of a volcanic origin. The coast is mostly rocky, full of creeks, stacks and coves. The waters are full of life, and characteristic species, the wrecks are witness of time and millennium history of these places full of beauty, charm and mythology. All these factors turned the Aeolians into a favourite destination for all the skin-divers. You cannot absolutely miss the scuba diving in Grotta dei Gamberi, in Secca dei Sei metri, and both charming and unique Archeosub di Capo Graziano area.

Cave of the Gamberi

  • Difficulty: medium / hard
  • Depth: 30/45 meters.
  • Visibility: good

The immersion, one of the most fascinating of the island, occurs near Capo Graziano, and starts with swimming towards the offing, and leaving behind Capo Graziano and a seabed covered with stones and Neptune Grass. Once reached the 15m of depth, a rocky wall goes down into the intense blue of the sea till twenty or so metres. Following the wall, while admiring the rich marine fauna, you will directly find yourselves at the entrance of the Grotta dei Gamberi. The entrance, of a distinctive “V” overturned shape, occurs at 37/39 m of depths where you enter a real dark, sinuous, and rather demanding tunnel. To enjoy the wonders of the cave it is not necessary to go much forward, because of a little light it should be quite difficult to proceed, and besides the first stretch is the richest concerning the marine flora and fauna, and particularly, of lobsters.

The shoal Sei Metri

Depth: 42 mt
Difficulty: hard
Visibility: excellent

While going back up, do not miss the gully, of a clear volcanic origin, leading to the surface; here you can admire big groupers, which populate the gully. The Secca dei Sei Metri, a favourite destination of skin-divers on Filicudi, has an evocative seabed, and is situated on the northern side of the island, off the coastal stretch between La Sciara and Giafante Rock, where a column, 35 m high, arises from depth to its header at the altitude of 6 metres. Moving from Filicudi Port and sailing in the northern direction you reach the suddetto rock; 200 m away from it you can see the shallow, the point marking the start of immersion. Going down along the wall, you can feel a unique sensation of flying which finishes only when you reach the sandy seabed, full of boulders; the place where it is not difficult to see morays, lobsters, red gorgonians’ shoals, sabella spallanzanii, and the characteristic melon sea urchin, breams, red Linnaeus and sponges of a bright yellow colour.

The shoal of Capo Graziano

Depth: 42 mt
Difficulty: moderate / difficult
Visibility: Good

After having explored seabed with its extraordinary light plays, you can go back up admiring the numerous creeks, a perfect habitat for groupers and big blackbelly rosefishes. Surely the most charming immersion of the whole island, such as of the archaeological site of the world-wide importance because of numerous boats of ancient epoch lying on the seabed, is that of Capo Graziano. It is about a monolith of great proportions which rises from the depths in correspondence of the promontory of Capo Graziano in Filicudi. The scuba-diving starts from the head of the same shallow, and proceeds till the depth of 30m. During the descent you are catapulted in past, because you admire the archaeological findings of enormous values, an evidence of numerous shipwrecks occurred in course of millennia. Once reached 30m of depth, on a sandy seabed, there is the rest of a load of amphora of A-Rochi wreck. This area, besides being a site of a great cultural interest, is also a favourite place for those keen on nature, because of its rich and luxuriant habitat, thanks to laws, forbidding since 10 years fishing and scuba diving if not accompanied by authorized personnel, or whatever other activity causing damage to submarine environment.